Richard Harris Played Dumbledore in Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets, and Sir Michael Gambon played Dumbledore in Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, and Half-Blood Prince after Richard Harris passed away.
Voldemort Nose
Voldemort Nose
Voldemort is one of those classic villains that catches you off guard when you first see him and amazes you more and more as him character further develops. One of the most intriguing and confusing things about him is the fact that he doe not appear to have a nose on his face. I have always questioned why that is, but the answer is actually quite simple. As with many of the character in this series, Voldemort can change himself into a creature and his creature of choice happens to be a snake. Well, we all know that snakes do not have any visible noses on their faces, hence the nose free face that Voldemort has.
Who played Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter movies?
Ralph Fiennes plays Lord Voldemort.
Ian Hart voiced him in Philosophers Stone. Christian Coulson as the teenage memory in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Hero Fiennes-Triffen (nephew of Ralph) plays the eleven year old version in Half-Blood Prince. Frank Dillane plays the sixteen year old version in Half-Blood Prince and is possibly going to return for Deathly Hallows. Michael Berendt was cast as the eighteen year old version for Half-Blood Prince but his scenes were later cut.
Who played Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter movies?
Ralph Fiennes plays Lord Voldemort.
Ian Hart voiced him in Philosophers Stone. Christian Coulson as the teenage memory in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Hero Fiennes-Triffen (nephew of Ralph) plays the eleven year old version in Half-Blood Prince. Frank Dillane plays the sixteen year old version in Half-Blood Prince and is possibly going to return for Deathly Hallows. Michael Berendt was cast as the eighteen year old version for Half-Blood Prince but his scenes were later cut.
Gandalf actor Sir Ian McKellen to star in zombie drama
Sir Ian McKellen, known for his Shakespearean roles and as Gandalf in Lord of The Rings, is starring in a low-budget British zombie costume drama being showcased at the Cannes Film Festival.