eternal sunshine of the spotless mind quotes
Sand is overrated. It's just tiny, little rocks.~
She was nice. Nice is good.~
Why do I fall in love with every woman I see that shows me the least bit of attention?~
I'm constitutionally incapable of making eye-contact with a woman I don't know.~
Valentine's Day is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap.~
This beach is goddamn freezing.~
This is working like gangbusters!~
Constantly talking isn't necessarily communicating.~
Are we like those bored couples you feel sorry for in restaurants? Are we the dining dead?~
It's all being wiped away.~
Drink up young man. It'll make the whole seduction part less repugnant.~
I'm always anxious thinking I'm not living my life to the fullest, y'know? Taking advantage of every possibility? Just making sure that I'm not wasting one second of the little time I have.~ stop listening to what is true, and what is true is constantly changing.~
Meet me in Montauk.~
You can't be ugly - be pretty.~
I apply my personality in a paste.~
I'm a vindictive little bitch, truth be told.~
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.~
Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders.~